I have 2 year olds πŸ™ˆ

So my babies turned 2 on 20th August and I just can’t cope with how fast the time has gone. I remember being heavily pregnant talking to my bump telling them bubbas to stay put for as long as possible and now I look and them and I am totally in awe of them, they truly amaze me! But I’m so not ready for anymore πŸ˜‚ I always said a 2 year gap but that was if I only had a single child, I can’t imagine having another right now I’m enjoying them So much and they are growing and changing So quickly I don’t feel I have time to appreciate it now let alone if I added another! That’s just me though hat’s off to anyone with 2 year old twins and a baby on the way!!! Anyway of course we celebrated in style, because I’m extra πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ we had a unicorn tea party at home with 2 real life unicorns, which the children rode up and down our road!!! πŸ¦„πŸ¦„ ( ponies with horns obvz) My girls absolutely loved them and had the best day with their little friends ❀️

I have this book that I am going to give the girls when they are older, I wrote in it for their 1st Birthday and have done so today telling them all about what we have been up to this year and how proud I am of them! I intend to write every year on their birthday and give it them on their 18th, I bet they will think I’m such a cringe mom!! Honestly though when I say I am proud of them it’s a total understatement, they are so fricking intelligent! I see 2 year olds regularly in my job and complete development checks and my girls are smashing it πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ. They know their full name, can count to 10, do their ABCs, all of their colours, all animals and sounds, all body parts, they can sing so many nursery rhymes word for word…..they just pick up things up rapidly and you only really have to show them a few times. To think they were born at 33weeks and you would neve even think that now!

I have been thinking about starting a YouTube channel, people that read my blog must do so from Instagram and I often post videos on my Instastory because the girls are so entertaining I love watching them and I want to share that with others. The current generation is all about YouTube its massive, I sound old now but I don’t really get it or am in to it so will have to do some vlogging research! I get the risk of having your children out there on the internet but they already are on Instagram and I get so much feedback of how much they make people smile and they look forward to their videos that I think a YouTube channel would be popular. If the girls didn’t enjoy it I wouldn’t do it, im not about exploiting my children and I certainly don’t sit there videoing them all day. Watch this space anyway I’m still not sure πŸ€”

Here are a few pics of the party ❀ and recent ones of the babes, thanks for reading 😘😘


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